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Socratic by Google
Socratic by Google - A Review of the Free Educational Software Socratic by Google is an educational application that provides useful information on a wide range of topics. It uses AI technology to provide answers to questions. This application is free, and is available for both iOS and Android devices. The app offers a variety of features, including the ability to answer a question, find an explanation, and check out a relevant Wikipedia passage. Users can also interact with a community-based question and answer database. To get started, first sign in with a Google account. Next, click the install button. Once done, you'll be asked for permissions. After granting those, you'll be able to browse through the various topics. Although the app has a few limitations, it can be a helpful tool for students. Students can use the app to search for solutions to difficult problems. They can also use it to review material they've already studied, or learn new concepts. One of the most important features of the app is the fact that it uses AI to find the best sources of information on any given subject. This includes videos, curated Wikipedia passages, and other web content. As a result, the results can be more comprehensive and informative than if you were to conduct an online search for the same information. While Socratic by Google is a great tool, it isn't perfect. In fact, some of the results can be misleading. For example, it might return a lot of videos that don't necessarily help with your task.